Let’s face it – the warm summer months are quickly coming to a close. This change in seasons presents new risks, making it a good time to make sure that your properly covered and well-prepared for the colder months ahead.
RSA Insurance has created three checklists to help our clients prepare for the upcoming cold weather season.
Preparing the Home
From packing up the patio furniture and closing the pool to tuning up the snow blower – these comprehensive tips will make sure your clients’ home and yard are ready for the wind, water, snow and ice.
Closing Down your Seasonal Home
From experienced seasonal homeowners to first-timers, here are some important tips to help your clients prepare your seasonal home until next summer.
Storing Summer Toys
Whether it’s an ATV, powerboat or jet-ski, make sure your clients are informed on how to properly store their summer toys over the winter months so they are ready for next year.